In loving memory of
Michelle Taylor
1st Jan 1950 - 1st Jan 2019

Introductory section to inform people of the death and any funeral arrangements you wish to share.
This could also include details of their life story, with space below for photos and additional tributes.
It is not unusual for a private family farewell to be held, with a public memorial or celebration of life event at a later date.
The content here is totally bespoke to reflect your own situation and preferences. We can help you draft the wording.
The life that I have,
Is all that I have,
And the life that I have is yours.
The love that I have,
Of the life that I have,
Is yours and yours and yours.
A sleep I shall have,
A rest I shall have,
Yet death will be but a pause.
For the peace of my years
In the long green grass,
Will be yours and yours and yours.
A short personal tribute could go here. Curabitur nec viverra felis. Sed non aliquam odio, efficitur imperdiet tellus. Nullam finibus gravida lectus in venenatis.
Donec finibus ac libero non pulvinar. Curabitur condimentum nibh eu justo porta ullamcorper. Vivamus id nisl sagittis, sagittis enim et, sollicitudin ligula. Cras nec interdum ante, eget semper risus. Donec euismod ante justo, ut ornare augue lacinia ut.
Here you can share details regarding the funeral arrangements – or a future memorial or celebration of life event.
Many families arrange a small, private family farewell – but plan to invite friends and family to a public event at a later date.
An RSVP or ‘keep me posted’ sign up could be included to help build a list of those you wish to share details with by email: