Esther Margaret Hammond
7th August 1952 - 22nd April 2020
In loving memory of Esther Hammond who sadly passed away on 22nd April. The funeral service will be held at Mortlake Crematorium on Thursday 14th May at 11am.
Due to the current restrictions, attendance at the funeral is limited so this page has been created to inform you of the details so that you can participate remotely.
The service will be livestreamed so you can watch it online. And the hearse procession will leave from the family home around 10.20am – so we invite family and friends to say farewell to Esther along the route as we pass by.
Family Flowers only but please donate
We request family flowers only, however if you would like to make a donation in Esther’s memory, Esther chose Princess Alice Hospice and Breast Cancer Now as charities she would like to support. To donate just click the button below.

Funeral Service
To watch a live webcast of the service on Thursday 14th May at 11am – just click the button below (this will open in a new tab) and follow the instructions below:
Instructions for viewing the webcast:
- Click the button above (opens in a new tab)
- Click the VIEW YOUR WEBCAST link beneath the main body of text.
- Enter your Webcast Login details which are as follows:
- The Order ID: 29449
- Password: vmaugncy
- Tick the box to agree to the Terms & Conditions.
- Click the Login button.
Once the stream has begun the video will load automatically.
Tips and troubleshooting
If you go to now you can see an example webcast so you can test that you are able to see and hear it.
If by the designated start time the video is still not visible we advise that you periodically refresh this page (this can be achieved by pressing Ctrl and F5 together).
For any technical issues on the day, you can call the Wesley team on 01536 314 914.
The Hearse route – start 10.15am
The hearse procession will take the following route:
- Depart King Edward Grove at 10.20am, towards Kingston Road
- Kingston Road towards Ferry Road
- Turning left at Ferry Road, driving by St Mary’s with St Albans continuing along Teddngton High Street
- At the mini roundabout, turning right into Waldegrave Road towards Cross Deep
- Turning left at Cross Deep taking the route through Richmond towards Mortlake