Please note this is purely an example page to show the style, all details will be personalised
In loving memory of
Michelle Taylor
01. 01. 1950 - 01. 01. 2024

In loving memory of Michelle Taylor who sadly passed away on 1st January.
Details of the funeral are provided below. Please click the button below to RSVP:

The funeral service will be held at 11am on Friday 1st February at Mortlake Crematorium
Directions are provided below. Formal black funeral attire is not necessary. Following the service, you are invited to join us for a reception at [your choice of reception venue]. It would help us enormously with catering if you could click the RSVP link below.
Mortlake Crematorium
Kew Meadow Path
Townmead Road
Turn into Townmead Road off the A205 Mortlake Road. At the mini-roundabout, turn right into Kew Meadow Path. Go through the gates and park in the car park on the left hand side.
Where to go: When you arrive at the crematorium, please park in the main car park on the left hand side and make your way to the crematorium building. If you walk under the left archway, there is a Waiting Room on the right hand corner and loos are on the left hand side. The ladies are in the small waiting area on the left, the gents doorway is a little further along from this room. We will be looking out for you and will come to gather you all at the required time.
The reception venue details will be shown here, similar to the one above
In lieu of floral tributes we invite you to donate to our chosen charity [name of charity].
Button above can link to a charity website or bespoke donations page (see instructions here).