In loving memory of John Partridge who sadly passed away on 14th October 2021
The funeral service was held on Wednesday 3rd November at St Mary’s Church, Twickenham
This was followed by a reception at The Wharf in Teddington

In lieu of floral tributes we invite you to donate to our chosen charity St Christopher’s.
Thank you
Remembering all the good times at SandM, John. The long lunches, the walks to Waterloo, the laughs. It wasn’t quite the same without you. Our love and best wishes to your family, of whom you always spoke so fondly.
Jane and Bob x x
Darling John – older brother to my dearest best friend Hils. We remember all the happy times and pray that your soul may rest in peace. Bizz, ping, squish -forever a memory of you!
Annabel xx
You are my longest known friend – since before I can remember, so you leave a bit of a hole. I will miss you, but am thankful for very happy memories of our lives through the ages.
How we will all miss you, John! Rest in peace.