In loving memory of
June Mackrell / Mendoza
12. 06. 1924 - 16. 05. 2024

As a family, to find ourselves planning June’s funeral is a devastating shock, despite her incredible age just one month short of her 100th birthday.
We want to celebrate her life, for the extraordinary woman that she was and ask you to join us as we say farewell.
Details of the funeral are provided below. Please click the button below to RSVP:

The funeral service will be held at 2.15pm on Wednesday 5th June at Mortlake Crematorium
Directions are provided below. There is ample parking.
Please note formal funeral attire is not necessary – June loved colour, so please dress as you wish.
Should you be unable to attend, the service will be webcast live and details of how to access this are provided below.
Following the service, you are invited to join us for a reception at The Wimbledon Club from 3.45pm – 6pm.
To help us plan, please click the RSVP link below. There are options to tick re who is attending as explained in the form.
Here are details of how to access the webcast of the funeral service live starting at 2.15pm:
- Click the button above to open the webcast page in a new tab
- Enter your username and password which are as follows:
- Username: gudu3495
- Password: 240005
- Click the Login button
Once the stream has begun the video will load automatically.
Tips and troubleshooting
We recommend you try logging in to the webcast so you can test that you are able to see and hear it – make sure your speakers are turned on and up.
If when viewing a Live Webcast you can no longer see the video, it’s possible that connection to the crematorium has been lost. Please wait, and this should be restored as quickly as possible.
Any further problems please click here or call the Obitus team on 03333 447 440.
Mortlake Crematorium
Kew Meadow Path
Townmead Road
Turn into Townmead Road off the A205 Mortlake Road. At the mini-roundabout, turn right into Kew Meadow Path. Go through the gates and park in the car park on the left hand side.
The crematorium building will be in front of you, if you walk under the left archway, there is a Waiting Room on the right hand corner and loos are on the left hand side. The ladies are in the small waiting area on the left, the gents doorway is a little further along from this room.
The Wimbledon Club
Church Road
SW19 5AG
BY CAR: From the M25, take the A3 north coming off at Tibbetts Corner roundabout, which is the A219 intersection. Take the A219 towards Wimbledon. Turn Left just under a mile along the A219 into Queensmere Road, and continue to the end where you turn right into Church Road, the club is on the left opposite the main gate of the All England Club.
BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: The Tube, District Line, Southfields Station, walk 600 yards in the direction of The All England Lawn Tennis Club, along Wimbledon Park Road, and the club is on the left opposite the All England Club’s main gate.

Family flowers only. In lieu of floral tributes we invite you to donate to our chosen charity Smile Train.