In loving memory of Luise Smidth who sadly passed away on 24th February.
Details of the funeral are provided below, along with personal tributes.
The funeral service will be held at 3.20pm on Thursday 25th March at Mortlake Crematorium.
As capacity is limited, attendance is by invitation only, however the service will be webcast live and details of how to access this are provided below, along with directions for those who are attending in person.
Here are details of how to access the webcast of the funeral service live, starting at 12pm this Thursday:
- Click the button above to open the webcast page in a new tab
- Enter your Webcast Login details which are as follows:
- The Order ID: 83879
- Password: xspersuw
- Tick the box to agree to the Terms & Conditions
- Click the Login button
Once the stream has begun the video will load automatically.
Tips and troubleshooting
If you go to now you can see an example webcast so you can test that you are able to see and hear it.
If by the designated start time the video is still not visible we advise that you periodically refresh this page (this can be achieved by pressing Ctrl and F5 together).
For any technical issues on the day, you can call the Wesley team on 01536 314 914.
Mortlake Crematorium
Kew Meadow Path
Townmead Road
Turn into Townmead Road off the A205 Mortlake Road. At the mini-roundabout, turn right into Kew Meadow Path. Go through the gates and park in the car park on the left hand side.
The crematorium building will be in front of you, if you walk under the left archway, there is a Waiting Room on the right hand corner and loos are on the left hand side. The ladies are in the small waiting area on the left, the gents doorway is a little further along from this room.
We will be looking out for you and will come to gather you all at the required time.
After the service we will lead you out to one of the small memorial gardens where you can stay and chat for a while.
Luise was always warm , caring , funny and kind !
Her love of her garden and nature always shone ,
We will greatly miss our lovely neighbour !
All our thoughts are with her family now !
Bill and Debbie
With our children being in the same year in primary school Luise and I naturally met. I feel blessed that such a fortuitous coincidence happened, to have known Luise has been for me a highlight, and one that I shall always feel lucky and blessed to have had.
I always enjoyed my time with Luise, often involving out door activities which we both loved. Sharing a common bond around nature including the garden, we spent many house out doors walking or sitting and chatting, but if Luise saw something in your garden that needed work on she would roll up her sleeves and help.
I have some new gardening tips and cuttings and feel saddened in the knowledge that I am unable to share them with my dear friend.
In thinking about Luise the word sharing comes up a lot, whether it be of thoughts and ideas, presents or food, there was always a lot of sharing in Luise’s life. Luise gave time, joy and love in equal measure.
Luise was interested in everything, engaging and in the moment. Being attentive and responsive, she allowed you to feel heard.
Like everything that Luise did she had style. She always looked gorgeous, even in jeans and a t-shirt, while her house managed to look fashionable and stylish. She had ‘an eye’ for these things and enjoyed her surroundings.
Amongst her many talents, cooking was an expertise that Luise excelled in. I have fond memories of sitting at Luise’s table while eating the most delicious food. If ever Luise came to eat at ours she would always help with the cooking, something that was great to know when you were running late! My own cookery book made up of family and friend’s recipes includes some of Luise’s recipes in her own hand writing – treasured memories of happy days.
Luise had a strong personality, her thoughts and opinions were genuine and refreshing. Her strength of will be ever present. I look back with admiration at the way Luise dealt with her illness, coping with symptoms on a daily basis that would have stopped most of us in our tracks.
She was fun to be with, someone with whom laughter was ever present. Despite life’s challenges I will always think of Luise as a half glass full person, not in a naive way but a conscious decision of how she was going to live her life.
Luise’s was a bright light, she will be sorely missed by all.
Tina Grayson
Luise vil for evigt have en helt speciel plads i mit hjerte.
Og jeg vil savne hende utrolig meget.
Du var den vildeste fighter og samtidig den varmeste sjæl.
Hvil i fred kære Luise🕊
Annemette Løgstrup
Kære Henrik, Amalie og Frederik
Selvom det var mærkeligt, var det godt at være med og især at kunne se jer.
Det var fine og rigtige ord om Luise. Og dejligt at opleve at der var nogle der kendte og elskede hende, ligesom vi gjorde og gør.
Vi ville rigtig gerne have været der og også været med jer i haven.
Der er lang tid til august. Vi vil selvfølgelig mindes Luise og tale om hende sammen, men hvis I har lyst og/eller brug for det, så skriv eller ring.
Vi savner hende og vi tænker på jer.
Kærlig hilsen
Ulla & Hanne