In loving memory of
Marc Cherfan
3rd November 1983 - 4th October 2022

In loving memory of Marc Cherfan who sadly passed away on 4th October
Details of the funeral are provided below. Please feel welcome to leave a personal tribute and click the button below to RSVP:
The funeral service will be held at 12pm on Sunday 6th November at Mortlake Crematorium
Directions for those who are attending are provided below. Following the service, you are invited to join us for a reception at The Bulls Head in Barnes. The service will be webcast live and details of how to access this are provided below. It would help us enormously with catering if you could click the RSVP link below.
Here are details of how to access the webcast of the funeral service live:
- Click the button above to open the webcast page in a new tab
- Enter your username and password which are as follows:
- Username: qaro6799
- Password: 208785
- Click the Login button
Once the stream has begun the video will load automatically.
Tips and troubleshooting
We recommend you try logging in to the webcast so you can test that you are able to see and hear it – make sure your speakers are turned on and up.
If when viewing a Live Webcast you can no longer see the video, it’s possible that connection to the crematorium has been lost. Please wait, and this should be restored as quickly as possible.
Any further problems please click here or call the Obitus team on 03333 447 440.
Mortlake Crematorium
Kew Meadow Path
Townmead Road
Turn into Townmead Road off the A205 Mortlake Road. At the mini-roundabout, turn right into Kew Meadow Path. Go through the gates and park in the car park on the left hand side.
The crematorium building will be in front of you, if you walk under the left archway, there is a Waiting Room on the right hand corner and loos are on the left hand side. The ladies are in the small waiting area on the left, the gents doorway is a little further along from this room.
Please note that Mortlake Crematorium falls within the ULEZ charging zone (you can check your vehicle’s compliance status here).
The Bulls Head
373 Lonsdale Road
SW13 9PY
The Bulls Head is located on the Lonsdale Road (B350) along the River Thames, just around the corner from Barnes High Street.
Directions from Mortlake Crematorium: as you exit onto the main Mortlake Road (A205) turn left. At the traffic lights, turn left and then immediately right onto the Lower Richmond Road (A3003). At the mini roundabout, take the first exit to continue on Mortlake High Street. At the next mini roundabout, take the first exit onto The Terrace, you will drive past Barnes Bridge station. At the next mini roundabout, take the first exit and you will see the Bulls Head on the right hand side to the left of the Watermans Arms.
Parking: many of the parking restrictions end after 12 noon, please check the parking signs.

If you wish to bring or send flowers, you are welcome to contact the official funeral florist Leonoor at Rose & Mary directly.
To order flowers call Leonoor on 07958 293 130.
The funeral director will liaise with the florist to arrange delivery and bring all flowers to the service.
Thank you
Dear Family,
Although I have only met Marc a handful of times I am so saddened to hear of his passing.
Marc had an air of mischievousness to him who enjoyed life and was truly devoted to his family especially his beloved mother, Salma.
It has not been an easy road for him and I know you have all individually tried to help him along the way. But sometimes life takes its course and we are left to reflect on the good and the bad times and hence we are gracious he is now sitting side by side his beloved mother Salma and smiling down on us saying “this is where I want to be”.
Will miss you.
May you rest in peace.
Phaedra Haggar
Dear Marc,
I am deeply shocked to hear this news!
Thank you for the good times, my friend, and Rest In Peace.
God bless your soul. Amen.
Wan Aziz Ibrahim
Although I only met you a few times and despite the pressures of life and being always busy… I always remember your laughing face, your cheerful spirit and your concern for others. I will always remember you and pray for you… May your soul rest in peace brother
Mario Safi
Dear Marc,
You left life too soon, but I trust that you enjoyed many moments of happiness in the years you had.
Now all the ups and downs of life are behind you, and you are with your dear mom. Without doubt, you both rest well in God’s love.
In life you were so close to your loving mother and she to you. What I know of you I learned mostly from her, my dear friend Salma. She loved you so much and shared the long and hard struggles through which you passed.
You also phoned me once in London – a call that took me by surprise. I understood from that call how much you still wanted to do in your life, and how fervently you were trying to re-balance your life.
Rarely does one manage to accomplish all that one sets out to do. I hope now that you can look back with contentment, you know that all of us who knew you, however briefly, will treasure good memories of you.
His pillar gone, so is the son.
May our dear Salma and Marc rest together in God’s peace and love.
Viviane Sakkal-McDermott
Dear Marc,
We both met during a difficult and challenging part of our lives.
As we faced and fought our demons, our connection and bond grew.
I’ve always struggled taking initiative and making plans.
But you constantly made the effort to spend time with me and organize outings for us and our mutual friends.
You’ve made us feel welcome and appreciated at your home on countless occasions.
You were so kind, generous and compassionate with everyone around you.
A pure soul and a heart of gold, if I ever saw one.
Thank you for being an incredible part of my journey.
I’m going to miss you my dear friend, but I always remember and cherish the memories we had together.
My deepest and sincerest condolences to your family.
I pray and hope for the courage and strength for them to get through this.
God bless your soul and may you rest in eternal peace with your dearest mother Salma.
Mahmoud Soliman
Querido Marc ,
Que solos nos has dejado ,quiero pensar que tú corazón generoso y noble descansa junto a tu mamá , mi querida Salma.
Deseo que sepas que permanecerás siempre en mi corazón , mi más sentido pésame para toda tu familia , con cariño y respeto.
D. E . P
María Victoria Tellez
Dear Marc,
I am so shocked and saddened to hear of your passing. I have known you for a long time and despite not seeing you properly for some time, I feel like I have lost a member of my own family. I know life was not always easy, but, despite all the trials and tribulations, your heart remained open and generous and compassionate. I will always remember you, my friend.
Guy Quartermaine
Dear Elie
I am deeply saddened by this tragedy of losing your son shortly after losing our dear cousin Selma. Although we haven’t seen each other for a long time, I am nonetheless grieved by their loss and therefore remembering both Selma and Marc in my prayers and in the Divine Liturgy. Please extend my sincere condolences to Michelle, to Anis, Nadia, Noha and the entire family. May God comfort you as you grieve and may He rest their souls in peace.
Bishop Alexander(Rafeek) Mufarrij
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