In loving memory of Michael Hough who sadly passed away on 22nd January.
Details of the funeral are provided below, along with personal tributes.
Unfortunately due to hazardous road conditions in Kent, the funeral service on the 9th February had to be postponed.
The service will now take place at 12pm on Sunday 14th February at Eden Valley Woodland Burial Ground.
As capacity is limited, attendance is by invitation only, directions for those who are attending in person are provided below.
Eden Valley Woodland Burial Ground
Crouch House Road
Eden Valley Burial Ground is situated on the Kent, Surrey border to the north west of the small market town of Edenbridge. It is a 12 minute drive south from Junction 6 of the M25, and just 1 hour 10 minutes from south central London, avoiding rush hours.
Driving directions from M25:
- Exit Junction 6, A22, direction Eastbourne but turn left at the first roundabout direction Oxted A25
- Follow A25 eastbound for 3 miles, passing Oxted, go under the viaduct and pass Limpsfield. Turn right at the traffic lights on the hill, into Wolfs Row, signed Hurst Green and Lingfield
- Follow this road for 2.6 miles, ignore first left turn signed to Edenbridge. Continue straight on. Pass under railway bridge with traffic lights, carry straight on, passing heavily wooded areas
- Take left signed Crockham Hill, passing more heavily wooded land
- In one mile you go over a narrow, angled railway bridge immediately after this take another left signed to Edenbridge and Marlpit Hill
- Bend right into Little Browns Lane passing Gardiner Business Park on the right
- After a sharp right hand bend you will find Eden Valley Woodland Burial Ground Car park on the right before a railway bridge.
Nearest train stations: Edenbridge Town and Edenbridge stations (20-25 minute walk)
For more detailed directions visit
To get to the Woodland Burial Ground continue past the golf club, under the railway bridge and the cemetery is the first gateway on the left. Should you need it, the cemetery office is located in the grounds of the Kent and Surrey Golf and Country Club.

In lieu of floral tributes we invite you to donate to our chosen charity The Royal Marsden.
Thank you
My husband Richard who died two years ago was a great old buddy of Mikes for many years, and they enjoyed many skiing holidays together with their buddies. Mike always had a nickname for people he met, Pigstye Pete was one I remember, referring to an old flat mate!!! Mike was very kind to Richard when he was ill always phoning and visiting. Mike was not one for gushing but I know how much he cared abt Marie Claud and his daughter Juliet. He would often talk about Juliet in glowing terms and so proud of her achievements. In his Christmas card to me this year he made a note’ keep in touch with the girls when I’m gone‘ Always matter of fact even in the face of death. I will miss his phone calls and may Mike Rest in Peace.
Deepest sympathy to Marie Claud and Juliet.
I love the way you have done this online. I know Mike didn’t want any fuss but he deserves nice words spoken of him. He was a good guy and will be missed by all who knew him
Devon Lovelace
Mike was a good friend. He was a handsome, stylish Englishman who loved everything foreign! He had travelled the world and knew how to seek out the best everywhere he went. His enthusiasm was infectious as he shared everything he, Marie-Claude and Juliette did. He enjoyed the finer things in life and wanted to share them with his friends. He was intelligent and knowledgeable. He was kind. He had many attributes but for me personally, it was sport that brought us together. And that is how I will remember him. Mike was a very good runner and all round sportsman.
He was one of the first runners to start the 9.30 Sunday morning run around Richmond Park. 7 miles. He ran it doing 6 minute miling.
Noel Simpson
Sadly missed and much loved Uncle and friend.
Rest in peace Uncle Mick.
Roger Duckworth
In loving memory of my brother Michael. Even though we lived so far apart he never failed to keep in touch and was always there for me to listen and advice. I miss him every day as do Marie- Claude and Juliette of whom he was so proud.
Rest in Peace dear brother.
You were a very kind and thoughtful friend to the Lovelace family, and an all round gem of a man. Rest in peace Mike. My condolences to Marie-Claude and Juliette.
Jeremy Lovelace
Mike was a good friend of mine. Yorkshiremen are sometimes regarded as blunt and to-the-point and, in this regard, he did not disappoint: I always knew his Truth and this was one of his characteristics that I valued. He was also friendly, welcoming, intelligent, inquisitive and kind. Mike was a sportsman all his life. I knew him most as a runner, an activity that kept him lean and fit, so it was hard to imagine that he could ever become ill. Family was important to him: Marie-Claude provided love and stability for Mike, and he was very proud to see his daughter, Juliette, graduate and settle in a job. Mike and I would sometimes meet in Bushy Park and go for a walk, or meet for a coffee and a chat. He was generous with me and supportive in many ways. My wife, Edina, and I will miss him and never forget him.
Joseph Ryan & Edina Bózsó-Ryan
I like most of Mick’s friends met in a love of sport. I was his milkman when he lived Hampton Court opposite the green. One Friday going back to the milk yard I saw him unloading his windsurfing gear and stopped to talk to him and developed a friendship to this day. We would drive to Pool Harbour most Tuesday’s during the summer for a good few year’s and then in golf when we became to old to get up and down on the board’s. Will sadly miss him but will have fond memories of him.
Whenever I think of Mike, I think first and foremost of a good friend.
I have known him for more than half my lifetime. Throughout the whole of that time we have been good friends.
We met in the 1970’s, and hit it off from the beginning. We had a number of things in common. We were the same age, Mike being born just a few weeks before me. We were both interested in sport, and took part together in lots of running, tennis and hill walking.
As time went by, the shared sporting activities became a smaller part of our lives, but our friendship continued. We spoke regularly on the telephone, and enjoyed our conversations, for we shared a similar sense of humour, as well as a similar outlook on the world.
Mike could be provocative, so conversations with him were often stimulating as well as being enjoyable. I am really going to miss those regular conversations.
Mike always said to me that he did not believe in any form of afterlife. But just in case he was wrong about that, I should like to say this to him: Bon Voyage, my friend, on this new leg of your journey. May it prove for you a joyous adventure.
Christopher Perry
Mike was my friend, my family, and since we met, more than 40 years ago he was always there in every special moments of my life, year over year, even if far away. Mike was always interested on my problems, looking for solutions to help and really happy when things were going well, always with his peculiar sense of intelligent humor. I will never forget Mike, he was loved and will be missed.
Ana Sanguino
Chère Marie Claude, Chère Juliette,
Nous pensons très fort à vous et à Michael. Michael avait toujours le sourire et était très attentionné. Il était toujours prêt à rendre service. Quand on venait vous envahir dans votre maison pour des petits séjours, il se souciait que tout se passe bien pour les trajets, repas … et bien sûr il était toujours le premier pour nous servir un bon petit breakfast ou une tasse de thé!! Son accent et ses fautes de français qui nous faisaient rire durant ses séjours en France vont nous manquer. Tu vas nous manquer Michael. Nous regrettons beaucoup de ne pas être là . Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous Marie Claude et Juliette et nous adressons toutes nos pensées et prières à Michael.
Nous vous embrassons très fort
Aliette, François, Antoine, Pierre et Marie
I first met Mike in the early 1980s. This was probably on the tennis courts at Surbiton or possibly in Richmond Park with the running group that Len Steward,the squash coach at Surbiton, organised.
Down the years it was running that was our main joint activity. We ran together for over 40 years. Initially with the Surbiton group. After that a smaller sub group of friends continued to run in Richmond Park. Then quite often just the two of us. By Mike’s last years we had switched to Oxshott . Mike would drive to my house, we’d run in the local woods & then return for a chat and refreshments. Occasionally we were joined by Juliette.
Mike was one of my longest standing friends. Besides running, we shared a number of fine meals together, helped each other out on airport runs and discussed tennis, cars, politics & many other topics. I couldn’t though interest him in horse racing even though on one occasion, for security reasons, he had custody of my jackpot winnings for some hours!
Mike was fit and active to the end. Unlike most of us he never seemed to gain weight. His mind was also still as sharp as it must have been when he was at Imperial College. Something he was always very proud of.
He will be a welcome addition to his final resting place & I wish him a long & enjoyable time there.
Graham Foote
We are very sad to hear of Mike’s passing and we give our heart felt condolences to Marie-Claude and Juliette for their loss. Mike is a loyal friend, like a supportive big brother to me and we have had many adventures together on ski slopes, golf courses and on the high seas and can smile at all those good times even at this sad time. He was the best of men and was so at Robyn and my Wedding with Juliette just a toddler. She is very young to loose her Dad and we both feel for her and Marie Claude. We love him and you both and you will always be in our prayers. Robyn and Me our six Kids and my Sisters are all saddened by your passing and all say God Bless You Mike.
Rod and Robyn Coe
Depuis que Mickael m’avait accueilli avec Marie-Claude un été à Hampton Court, et que j’allais sur mes 20 ans, j’avais une affection particulière pour lui.
Je garde un souvenir unique de cet été : c’était un peu un vent de liberté qui soufflait.
Je me souviens de sa joie lorsque j’ai annoncé que j’avais trouvé un job dans un restaurant français, “l’escargot”, à Greek Street, dans le quartier de Soho. Je me souviens aussi de sa déception quand je me suis fait renvoyer de ce même restaurant, une semaine plus tard.
Je le revois, comme si c’était hier, bronzé, en short, torse nu, en train de regarder Wimbledon, de siroter du thé (un thé en vrac, le Yorkshire tea, me semble t-il) qu’il préparait à la perfection, de vibrer pour un beau point ou de m’expliquer qu’il fallait d’abord trouver un emploi et après penser à une petite amie.
A chaque visite, j’étais à chaque fois heureux de vous voir ensemble, dans votre maison.
Je suis profondément triste de n’avoir pas été à vos côtés, Marie-Claude et Juliette, ces derniers jours, pendant ces moments si particuliers. Mickael souhaitait que, quoi qu’il arrive, on veille sur vous deux.
Nous essayerons d’être à la hauteur, Michael.
Je vous embrasse tous les trois.
Olivier Morand-Fehr
Mike was a very good friend to Bridget and myself for over Twenty Five years and especially
during my troubled years when I needed to care for her as she struggled with Dementia.
Our companionship, phone chats and games of Golf really helped to get me through those times.
On hearing the sad news of his passing my immediate thoughts were for Marie-Claude and Juliette having to go through the same pain that I had gone through after Bridget’s death. He will always be in my thoughts even more so as his Birthday was on the same day as my Son’s.
May you rest in peace my friend