Click here to read letter from Dalal, Rewa, Rewand, Jon and our families
Dearest friends and family,
We are heartbroken to share the news that our beloved father and husband, Mohamad Sami has passed.
We will be laying him to rest next Wednesday 22nd December, first with a service in the Hall at Kingston Cemetery from 11:00 – 11:30, followed by burial at Long Ditton Cemetery at 12:00. Directions to both are provided below.
If you wish to share a memory or to send a message to be read out on your behalf (or a voice recording to be played) please let us know so that we can make time for this during the service. We must receive recordings no later than 10pm GMT on Friday 17th December. Please note that as it is a 30 minute service only we may not be able to broadcast them all.
We understand that in the current circumstances, many of you will not be comfortable with, or able to travel to attend in person, and will wish to minimise social contacts particularly so close to the Christmas period when we will be spending time with loved ones. We completely respect and encourage you to choose how you would like to mark Sami’s passing in the way in which you feel most comfortable. In light of this, please note:
- We welcome guests at the service at Kingston which will be held in the Hall, and will also be live streamed online. Details to access this are shared below. For those who wish to attend the service, masks must be worn at all times.
- The burial will take place outside and a video of the burial will also be recorded. Details of this will be shared as soon as possible after the service. Please note that there is no covered area at Long Ditton Cemetery and therefore it may be subject to inclement weather.
- In light of current pandemic conditions and to minimise the risks of indoor gathering, the memorial celebration provisionally scheduled for 22nd January will now be deferred until April 2022, subject to any restrictions and government guidelines that may be in place at that time. We will be in touch to provide further details closer to the time.
We have been overwhelmed with the love, support and heartfelt messages of kindness that have been shared in the past few days and which have been an enormous comfort at this incredibly difficult time.
With sincere gratitude,
Dalal, Rewa, Rewand, Jon and our families
A video recording of the service is available to watch until 19th January using the login details below:
- Click the button above to open the webcast page in a new tab
- Click on the green button Proceed to log in
- Enter your username and password which are as follows:
- Username: zohi8427
- Password: 058231
- Click the Login button
Once the stream has begun the video will load automatically.
The Burial
A video of the prayers and burial at the graveside is shared below.
We kindly request that no flowers are sent to the family home. In place of flowers, the family asks that anyone wishing to make an expression of sympathy considers instead a contribution in his memory to Ashford St Peters Hospital in Chertsey who cared for Sami.
After you make a donation, please email or phone 01932 726585 to let them know the donation is for Birch Acute Cardiac Ward (BACU) and Chestnut Ward in memory of Mohamad Sami Bouji.
Thank you
الى اخي وصديقى لك الف سلام ، تركتنا حزينين نتذكر ايام السفر الدافية من شمس لبنان واسبانيا . لا انسى زياراتك الحلوة لتذوق وتتغزل بقهوتك العربية . الى رحمة الله الواسعة و الى الفردوس وكلنا لله واليه راجعون
خالد الشريفي
Khalid Al Sharifi
Heartfelt sorrow and condolences, from my family to yours.
Sami we will miss your wit, generosity and your ever ready help and advice. You leave an amazing legacy in your beautiful daughters, you must be resting very proud of them. God bless your soul.
الله يرحمك ويجعل مثواك الجنة. انا لله وانا اليه راجعون.
Houda Al Sharifi
يا أيها المومنون انتم السابقون ونحن ان شاء الله اللاحقون
الاخ الصديق سامي لقد كنت نعم الاخ وسنفتقدق دائما الله يرحمك ويغفر لك ويسكنك فسيح جناته