In loving memory of Richard Cull who sadly passed away on 2nd April 2021.
Details of how to watch the funeral are provided below, along with personal tributes and donations.
The funeral service was held on Friday 30th April
Due to limited capacity, this was a private event, however the service was webcast live and will be available to watch again:
You can also watch this webcast directly via YouTube here
In lieu of floral tributes we invite you to donate to our chosen charity Princess Alice Hospice.
Thank you
Absolutely devastated mate and can’t put into words how much you’re going to be missed. One of the strongest people I know and right till the end you mate sure people where aware and educated on this illness.
Keep up the cycling up there mate and I will look up at you everyday I’m out thinking of you.
Love Perry and family x
Perry Hayward
My darling Ricks and the beautiful wife you have left behind. There are no words to make any of this better. So I just wanted to tell you how I remember you. All I can see in my minds eye is your smiling, laughing face – all my memories of you are of you having fun, laughing and taking life as it comes – you never had a bad word to say about anyone or anything and took everything in your stride. The strength and bravery you showed in the final years and months of your life were truly admirable – you have left a huge hole behind but an enormous and important legacy too which we will all try to continue in raising awareness for this awful disease, you have certainly done this for me. Thankyou for all the kindness you showed Emmy and I when we were stranded in majorca with you! Your friendship and love for char will always be remembered – you were a kind, honourable man and I hope you are now at peace with your mum. All my love, Molly x x x x
Molly Van Den Brink
Dearest Ricky, you were a gent, a legend and most important a kind soul. I will always fondly remember our time in Sass. You were one of the first people I met, you made me feel at ease immediately and you were always there to make people smile. I remember doing the speed chatting to get to know everyone and you were just so smiley and happy, so easy to get to know. Thank you so much for being you. The strength you showed throughout all this has been amazing and you always remained positive. You will be missed by many and never forgotten. RIP xxxx
Steph Wiswall
It was a privilege to have known you, Rick. Your positivity and sunny personality have left an indelible mark and you will always be remembered for your generous spirit and easy laughter. When Charlotte proudly introduced you to us all those years ago you charmed us with your gorgeous smile and happy disposition. You struggled so hard to remain with us and selflessly endured so much for the love of darling Charlotte. You are a truly remarkable young man who has left an amazing legacy. Rest In Peace. Much love Jean and Michael
Jean Richards
Dear Friend, All the beautiful memories that we have made together as friends will be cherished and fondly remembered even the double denim at the barn dance! I just want to say that I will miss you from the bottom of my heart but will keep your memories alive. Goodbye my darling Ricks, All my love always your Nic Noc & GG XXX
Nicola Perks
So many happy memories that I’ll always cherish Ricky. Such a gent and a kind, generous soul with the most impressive cyclist calves I’ve ever seen. You fought so hard and your positivity never wavered; truly inspiring. I will really miss you mate and you’ll forever be in my thoughts. Rest in peace my friend. Bev x
Tom Bevan
My beautiful nephew, what a genuine gentleman and selfless nice guy. Your smile and amazing personality touched everyone who met you. You lived life to the full and spread happiness wherever you went. I am truly privileged to have known you, you and your family will forever be in my thoughts.
Love Auntie Alice and family ❤️ xxx
Alice Hall
Darling Ricks, I’ll never forget when we were both training for LEJOG and we did a few training rides together leaving London at the crack of dawn out into the Surrey Hills. You cycled by my side encouraging me the whole way and then every time we got to box hill you said ‘see ya Luce’ and shot off obviously cycling those hair pin horrible hilly bends much faster than me! You were then waiting for me at the top with a chocolate flapjack and we’d then pedal as fast as we could home knowing that Char would have cooked up a storm for us for our return. Happy memories Ricks. Every time I see a bike it reminds me of you and I promise we will all look after Char and give her all our love and strength.
Lots of love Lucy, Stu & Izzy xxxx
Our fondest memories with Ricky are centred around being on the bike. Every time we went out he was the one cracking jokes, keeping spirits high and sending out the motivation required to get through the tough bits. This picture says it all, another 100 miles ticked off and a great time had by all.
Will remember you ok all our future rides buddy. All our love
Ashley and Katie x
A truly incredible person and best friend. A childhood friend that really started way back in 2006 when we were so drunk at a house party, we slept outside on a deflated bouncy castle all night then forced everyone to drive to the beach for hangover chills the next day. I knew at that moment we were going to best friends forever. There are so many other stories and memories, the cycling, the rugby, the festivals… but I would be here for days typing if I wrote about them all.
You will be truly missed Ricky Bobby. Rest in piece my friend x
Scott Evans
It is hard to not smile when I think about Ricky. I have only fond memories of him and I am sure that everyone who knew him would say the same thing. He just loved to have fun and make others smile. His easy going nature was nothing short of infectious and I couldn’t tell you all of the silly things we got up to at uni together. Certainly no day was dull with the big man around. I can truly say that all that knew him just loved him. His wit, his energy and his willingness to laugh and joke would make even the dullest day bright.
Adrian Ullah
What an impressive man: values; loyalty; consistency; and a moral compass that never wavered from due North. It’s hard to find people like and so I think we’d do very well to be a bit more Rick going forwards.
He loved Char from so so much and he seamlessly fitted in with the Yeomans family and the Wellington reprobates.
Bloody good skier too!
Miss you Rick, see you again some day.x
James Crowther
Still can’t believe you’ve left us so soon, such an incredible person and the best friend anyone could ask for.
I know you’re in a better place now and can finally relax, you’ll never be forgotten and I’ll always hold onto the memories we had.
Love and miss you buddy x
Daniel Daw
So sad, Your outlook on life, the stories, your contagious personality, your hilarious humour… I will miss and all of us will miss. we worked together for a short time but the impression you left on me is just incredible. Rest in Power bro..
Howard Jones
I knew you more via Char and our many long chats on car journeys. You were always in her thoughts and plans for the future and we used to laugh about when he would finally propose. Thank you for supporting Char through so much and glad you had her to support you through the greatest fight. Thank you for being you, taken far too soon.
xx Dusty & Family
Dusty Eldridge
Dearest Ricks. The family are going to miss you so much, but we have many happy memories – the lovely photo of you and Roly is a treasured one. We’ll never forget your kindness and courage, and we’ll continue to take great care of Char for you.
Much love Judy and Roly xx
I met Ricky in Switzerland 2014. At first, I absolutely hated being out there, mainly due to being in a resort all on my own and not speaking a word of German.
Ricky was a good friend to me that summer, I would call him and say I was going to quit and leave, and he was always so supportive and would say I needed to stick around as I’d regret it if I did go. We would organise socials and get togethers with other reps in our area and we travelled all over the country making the most of our free rail passes. I remember a boiling hot day in Zurich when a group of us went to Zurich street parade, he was about 34 degrees all day and it the evening the biggest thunderstorm hit with torrential rain. It didn’t stop us all dancing, drinking and laughing absolutely soaked through.
Ricky to me was always such a kind and positive person, he had a funny and caring side always showed and it was impossible to be in a grump when he was around.
I this summer was also the summer he had a visit from the lovely Charl, I remember talking to him on a transfer day and was was telling me that she was arriving for a visit and he was so excited to see her.
Sending love to Charl and Rick’s family, he was a truly wonderful person. X x x
Felicity Williams
Ricky, such an incredible guy who I’m so lucky to have spent time with over the years. Always so fun, kind and positive with a massive smile on his face! He made me laugh so much and was always there as an amazing friend whenever. So gutted that he was taken way to soon but all the happy, awesome memories will live on.
Gonna miss ya buddy!
Keren Wareham
Ricky, I can’t believe you’re gone. I vividly remember the first time I met you. You were moving into our flat and Lucie had talked you up so much, saying what a legend you were from Sass. You just walked in with your bags and the BIGGEST smile and said ‘Hiya! How’s it going?!’. We got on instantly. That’s how you were with everyone. You were full of life and energy and you made people feel good. There were SO many good times in that flat. You were like our big brother. We’d get really pissed and party in the kitchen and be royally hungover together the next day. You’d laugh when me and Lucie would bicker over silly stuff. And you’d cook for us. I remember us having to take turns to do workouts in the lounge every morning, which was next to your room. I was in there at 5am, doing tuck jumps. All you said was ‘Yeah… it’s a bit louder than I expected’ hahaha. You were SO easygoing. You got me my first proper job at YMCA which changed the course of my life forever. I’ll always be so grateful that my first years of adulting in London were spent sharing a flat with you. You truly were one of the best; big hearted and lovable and kind and FUN. I’m so glad you got to marry Char too, your ‘amazing girlfriend’. You will be so so missed. I will never, ever forget your laugh. You were just brilliant.
Sarah xxx